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House Rules

These house rules are specially prepared to assist you in the moving-in process and setting up your home in the condominium. Do find the time to read them and if you still have questions which are not answered, please feel free to approach the Management Staff. We are only too pleased to assist you in any way possible.

Some residents may disagree with certain House Rules, but it should be appreciated that the House Rules are formulated for the common good. However, to meet the changes in the owner's requirements, the House Rules can be revised as necessary at any Annual General Meeting, if such changes have a majority support and provided they meet the requirements of the Land Titles (Strata) Act.

Your co-operation in observing the rules and regulations set in the following pages will help to make the estate a more congenial place to live. The House Rules have a legally binding effect on all owners, residents and visitors.

The specific house rules for Glendale Park can be downloaded from the document section of the portal available here. Only registered users are able to download the house rules. To register and request an account please click on the register link at the top of the page (or available here). Once approved by management you will then have access to the restricted areas of the portal.


  1. Management Staff

    The term "Management" means the Developer or its Managing Agent for the time being, responsible for the Management and maintenance of the Condominium, and shall extend to the future Management Corporation or its Managing Agent.

    The duties of The Management are primarily to manage and maintain the "Common Property" within the Condominium. In order to provide a high standard of Management to the Condominium, professional staff and contractors have been engaged to discharge the duties of The Management. To enable the cleaning and security staff, etc, to carry out their duties properly, they must not be used by residents for any private matters. They shall also not receive any instructions from any person other than The Management, which may conflict with their normal duties.

    The Developer has provided an on site Estate Management Team to upkeep and maintains the Common Property and facilities of your Condominium. If you have any suggestions or complaints, please feel free to contact the Estate staff who will attend to your needs promptly. If you wish to write, you may drop a note at our suggestion box outside our Management Office.

    Alternatively, you may reach us at the following addresses:

    By post
    Condominium Manager
    25A Hillview Avenue
    Singapore 669618

    By Electronic mail: glendalepark@singnet.com.sg
    The Management Office is open from 0900 hours to 1800 hours on weekdays and from 0900 hours to 1300 hours on Saturdays. The office will be closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

  2. Notice Board

    Information on pest control and other common facilities service schedule will be posted on the notice boards for Residents' perusal.


  1. Cleaning

    Cleaning Contractor will provide the necessary manpower and equipment to perform general cleaning services in the Common Areas within the Estate.

  2. Refuse Disposal

    Resident are advised that loose or wet kitchen waste should be sealed in plastic bags before disposal into the refuse chutes. For safety reasons, any bulky refuse, old newspapers, unwanted magazines, used paper cartons, unwanted clothing and breakable items such as glass bottles, etc, should be properly tied up and brought down to the bin centre. A refuse disposal contractor will be engaged to remove the refuse collected at the bin centre for disposal.

    Residents must make their own arrangements to cart away-unwanted bulky items such as old furniture, from the Condominium for disposal at dumping ground at their own costs.

    Flammable items, wet cement and other adhesive materials are not permitted to be thrown into the refuse chutes as these materials can cause damage to the refuse chute and the bin placed at the bottom. Offenders will be held laible for any replacement or repair cost.

    Residents should not throw rubbish, rags or other refuse, into sinks, water closets, water or soil pipes, in the building or apartments as this can choke up the pipelines.

  3. Security

    Security Contractor will provides 24 hours security with a team of well-trained guards. Security guards will also assist in fire safety and prevention, as well as control the use of common facilities within the Estate.

  4. Pest Control

    A Pest control contractor will be engaged to carry out regular pest control services for the Common Areas of the Condominium. The servicing schedule will be posted on the notice board for Residents' information.

  5. Lifts

    Lifts generally operate round the clock except during servicing periods. Please note that application of licenses to operate the lifts will begin only after the Condominium has obtained the Temporary Occupation Permit (Top). As it would normally take about two (2) to four ($) weeks to process and approve the licenses, we seek your understanding that the lift will not be available for use until the licenses have been obtained.

  6. Car Park

    Each unit is entitled to one non-designated car park lot. To apply, please approach The Management office, Residents with more than one car can park their additional cars in the Estate provided there are sufficient lots for reservation of parking lots is allowed.

    Bicycles are permitted to park at designated areas only and not at the Common Areas, staircases, front entrance and fire escape routes.

    For details on application for car park transponder and car parking, please refer to the appended House Rules.

  7. Breakdown of Essential Services

    In the event of a breakdown in essential services such as electrical supply, lifts, etc, kindly contract The Management Office for help. If it is after office hours, you can contact the Security guard on duty at the guard post for assistance.

    For household fitting and equipment such as air-conditioners, which carry warranties provided by the manufacturers, you should contact the relevant agents directly to rectify the defective condition of the said items.

  8. Application For Telephone Lines (S) And Utilites
    Application for telephone line can be made direct to SingTel by

    *Completing the application form. A copy is given in the residents's kit. You can send the completed application form and relevant documents via the prepaid business reply envelope.

    *Alternatively, you can fax over the relevant documents to SingTel at 8380893 and subsequently mail them the original forms and photocopied documents using the prepaid envelope.

    Generally it takes about 5 working days from date received by SingTel to have the telephone line installed. Should you have any enquires, please call the SingTel service hotline at 1609.

    Similarly, application of water, electricity and town gas (if any) can be made directly to Power Supply Ltd by

    *Mailing the completed application/GIRO forms and relevant documents.

    *Or if you wish, you can open and account by bringing along the relevant documents to the Customer Service Centre at 111 Somerset Road during office hours.

    Power Supply Ltd required 3 working days for the utilities to be turned on.
    Should you have any enquiries, please call Power Supply at 1800 2356841

  9. Use of Clubhouse and Function Areas

    In order to provide more efficient service and prompt response to the Residents' request, designated areas of the clubhouse will be temporarily used (about 6 months) for the purpose of :
    a) handing over of apartments to purchases
    b) receiving defects lists and co-ordination of defects rectification by our customer service team

    Residents can thus have direct and faster access to the customer service team who are deployed on site to take care of your needs. Notwithstanding the above, the designated areas can be made available upon request during the initial period for the Resident's use and enjoyment.

What to do in Case of Emergency

  1. Emergency Contact Form
    In order to facilitate contact between The Management and the Owners in the event of an emergency, please complete the emergency contact form and return it to the Management Office once you move in. If there are any other changes in future, you are area advised to inform The Management Office of the changes quickly.

  2. Fire

    Fire safety precaution is given top priority by The Management.

  3. In Case of Fire
    • Raise the alarm by calling the Security Guard Post via the telephone or intercom. State CLEARLY, your Tower number and Unit location.
    • If fire is in its initial stages, attempt without incurring personal risk to extinguish the fire with fire hose reel or extinguisher until fire-fighting personnel arrives.
    • Activate the nearest "breakglass" call-point.
    • Withdraw from the scene of fire if you are unable to control or contain the fire. Allow fire fighting personnel/ Singapore Civil Defence Force to take control of the fire fighting.
    • Do not panic. If you must evacuate the building, please do so in an orderly manner.
    • Do not use lifts. Walk down the stairs in single file.
  4. Lift

    Please contact The Management Office of the security guard when the lift breaks down. The lift company will accord priority to lift breakdowns with passengers trapped inside and will attempt to rectify within half an hours.

  5. Power Failure
    The building's emergency power supply will light up strategic parts of the Common Areas and access ways in case of a power failure. It will be useful to keep a supply of candles or battery operated torchlights for use in the event of a power failure.

Owner's Maintenance Responsibilities

Owner Maintenance Responsibilites
The Owners are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the interior of their units, including all fixtures and fittings at their own costs.

Please ensure that air-conditioners are regularly serviced by qualified servicemen and that it does not drip or cause any excessive noise as this could be a source of nuisance. Regular servicing should include cleaning of the filters at the fan coil units for effective performance. Drainpipes should also be cleaned regularly so that it is free from obstruction to avoid blockage. It is recommended that air-conditioners be serviced on a quarterly basis.

Water Closets
Please do not misuse the water closets and other water of apparatus by allowing sweepings, rags and refuse, etc, to be thrown into the water closets. This could cause blockage and in the event of the drains being blocked, the cost of repairs will be the Owners' responsibility.

In order to preserve a pleasant living environment, please be considerate to your neighbours by not extending noisy activities such as the playing of musical instruments, television, karaoke, stereo equipment, mahjong, or other boisterous pastimes, etc., into the late hours of the night.

The building has been insured against fire, and it covers the structure of the building as well as all Common Areas. It does not, however, cover household items, furniture, etc., for which you may wish to take up your own insurance policy.

Grilles Installation
As proud Owners of your respective units, you can help to preserve the distinctive architectural design of the Condominium and enhance its value by adhering to the following guidelines for the installation of grilles:

1. Please obtain the necessary approval from the Condominium's Management before you begin any renovation or grilles installation.

2. Grilles to window and opening at yard areas should conform to recommended design and colour scheme which can be obtained from The Management Office. Glass and Perspex panels are not allowed to be installed at all other openings (i.e. yard/balcony).

3. All grilles should be installed behind the windows and the boundary line of the doorways i.e., within the apartment.

Maintenance of Finishes and Prevention of Water Damage
Water is the most common medium used for cleaning but care should be taken not to use excessive or inappropriate amounts of water which can result in damage to the finishes and materials. Surfaces should be mopped dry immediately after being washed with water.

Building element that should be kept dry and not be washed with water are those that are made of timber and steel (non-stainless), such as timber strip flooring, doors, wardrobes, closets, kitchen cabinet and mirrors. Water will cause timber to rot and warp, thus hindering the proper functioning of these elements.

For maintenance of finishes, please refer to Chapter 5.

Finishes & Maintenance

  1. Timberstrip Flooring
    The floors of all the bedrooms are laid with timber strip. Timber strip flooring exhibits warmth, have good insulating qualities and are naturally resilient. They have been treated to withstand normal wear.
    Dampness, however, make the wooden floor swell and continuous dampness make the timber vulnerable to attack from rot. Hence, it is important not to use excessive amount of water when cleaning the floor. Regular cleaning should be limited to dry mopping or vacuuming supplemented by an occasional wiping with well wrung out mop or cloth.
  2. Marble
    Marble is a natural metamorphosed limestone material containing various organic and inorganic substance thus producing veins,pores, voids, fissures that sometimes will come apart (hairline cracks ) after a period of time and will have inherent tonality differences. There will be some colour variations and markings caused by their complex mineral composition and inherent impurities. Because of these properties, expansion/contraction will vary thus recommended groove joints between tiles are necessary and are set between 1.5 to 3.0 mm.
    Maintenance :
    a. Marble floor should be maintained regularly by wiping with a damp mop. When mild detergent is used, it should be well rinsed, wiped clean and dry with a well-rinsed mop or soft cloth.
    b. Care should be taken to ensure that oil, concentrated detergent, strong alkaline solution such as bleach, soda or acid is not spilt on the marble floor as it will stain and / or "kill" the sheen on the marble.
    c. When wiping, the wet mop should be kept away from the doorframe in contact of marble.
    d. Marble should be polished every 3-5 years or so to maintain its high polish look.
  3. Ceramic Tiles
    Ceramic tiles are manufactured from refined and blended clay powder by dry compaction and they are fixed to a background of cement rendering or adhesive. They have a higher resistance to chemical attack as compared to marble. They do not scratch easily, and are more resistant to abrasion.
    Ceramic tiles should be maintained by cleaning with detergent then rinsing with water. Avoid strong alkaline detergents as it will leave deposits on the tiles.
  4. Granite Tiles
    Granite is a non-calcium based hard rock with a crystalline appearance. The arrangement of the crystals are unique and clearly distinquished. Just like diamonds, granite contains vein and has tonality differences. There will be colour markings caused by their complex mineral composition and inherent impurities. Their stability and hardness of surface offer the advantages of resisting wear tear.
    Granite comes in large boulders which are cut into blocks, then subsequently, slabs of predetermined size and thickness. To bring out its luster and unique crystalline characteristics, the granite slabs have been pre-polishing repeatedly and since this is a laborious and pollutive process.the polishing is carried out at the factory. Once polished, the granites are shipped out and ready for installation. Although the granite slabs are cut to equal thickness, there could be slight variations in thickness after repeated polishing. This explains the slight unevenness along the granite edge that one may experience when walking barefoot over it. Hence some lippage (+1.5mm) should be anticipated.The unevenness ought to smoothen out over time.
    a. Granite in the kitchen and bathrooms is constantly exposed to moisture and water, particularly in the shower area. The sheen will quickly deteriorate due to dampness arising from the daily bathing and washing. The marble surface should be cleaned with water and dried with soft cloth regularly. The recommended cloth to use is 100 % cotton or chamois.
    b. Granite tops should be wiped regularly. Counter top should not be used as standing platform or as a place to hold heavy objects.
  5. Doors
    Doors to main entrance are approved fire rated, solid decorative timber door. Generally, hollow core decorative timber doors are used for bedrooms and bathrooms, which gives the interior a unified and pleasing look. Hard objects should not be permitted to knock against the doors as they would leave unsightly dents. This applies to door frames and timber skirting as well. Maintenance:
    a. Doors should be wiped clean using a well-rinsed cloth/chamois. Do not use strong cleaners.
    b. The ironmongery for the doors can be maintained by wiping with a dry cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaner to polish it.
  6. Windows
    Your home windows are made of anodized/powder coated aluminium frames with reflective or tinted glass; they do not require further treatment or painting.
    Glass used in glazing is normally of the soda-lime-silica type. Regular cleaning of glass is important so as to ensure there is no discoloration and deterioration at the glass surface.
    a. Windows and frames to be cleaned with mild detergent or soap and soft cloth to maintain its appearance. Do not use sandpaper, harsh cleaners, as this will cause irreparable damage.
    b. When cleaning the glass, use a well-wrung out cloth with mild detergent. Do not use newspaper to clean the tinted glass as it may cause abrasion. Also do not scrape the glass surface, as it will remove the reflective coating.
  7. Wall And Ceiling Paints
    Paints are applied in different environments, on different surfaces using a variety of application methods to create a pleasing aesthetic effect as well as easy maintenance. Most paints consists of a primer, undercoat and finishing coat.
    The life span of paint is approximately 3-5 years. Hence repainting will be needed for maintenance or for a different colour design scheme.
    Dirt on wall can be dusted off or washed away with water.
  8. Sanitary Wares/Fittings
    The colour and quality of the fittings and design together with their positioning of tiles all help to achieve an elegant look in the bathroom. Maintenance: Regular cleaning will prevent bathroom fixtures from becoming unsightly as well as make the job easier and less unpleasant. Avoid abrasive cleaners that destroy the smooth surface and cause the fixtures to be soiled quickly.
  9. Mirrors
    Good quality mirrors have been provided in the bathrooms. The average lifespan of the mirror is approximately 5 years.
    The mirror should be cleaned with a dry or well-rinsed cloth. Water should not be splashed on the mirror particularly the edges. Water will cause the timber backing of the mirror to rot. It will also damage the reflective coating at the back of the mirror resulting in black spots appearing in the mirror.
  10. Definition

    1. These Rules will henceforth be referred to as "House Rules".

    2. In these Rules, unless otherwise required by the context,

    (a) "Owner" means the person or persons holding legal title to a housing unit.

    (b) "Resident" means the person or persons residing in the housing unit.

    (c) "Guest" means a person other than a resident who is on the premises at the invitation of a resident.

    (d) "Condominum" means the housing units and common areas of the development.

    (e) "Management" means the Estate Management arm of the developer, the Management Corporation or its Managing Agent.

    (f) "Housing Unit" means a horizontal stratum of any building or part thereof, whether such stratum is one or more levels or is partially or wholly below the surface of the ground, which is intended to be used as a complete and separate unit for the purpose of habitation and may be comprised in a lot, or in part of any subdivided building shown in a registered strata title plan.

    3. The Management reserves the right to change any of these rules after due notice is given to resident and owners.

    4. All residents shall observe and comply with the rules, which may from time to time be amended or added on by The Management.

Condominium Living

Resident's Card

  1. To be eligible for the issue of a Resident Card, the applicant must be residing in the Condominium on a permanent basis.
  2. Each apartment shall be entitled to an initial issue of a Resident Card free of charge. Subsequent addition or replacement of cards shall be subject to a charge of $ 10.00 per card.
  3. To replace a lost card, a letter declaring the loss of the card is required.
  4. Resident Cards will be issued to residents aged 12 years and above only.
  5. When an Owner sells his unit subsequently, he must inform The Management and return all the cards issued to him and his family members so that new cards can be issued to the new Owner. New cards will be issued at a charge of $10.00 per card
  6. If an Owner subsequently leases out his unit, he has to surrender his card to The Management. A "Non-resident card" will be issued to the owner for identification purpose only, which allows him to enter the premises but not of booking of the recreational and communal facilities, New resident cards can be issued to his tenants on production of a letter of authorization from the owner, or alternatively, a copy of the lease/tenancy agreement. The new cards will be issued at a charge of $10.00 per card. The cards issued to the tenants must be returned to The Management upon termination of the lease/tenancy.
  7. Temporary cards may be issued to residents'employees such as domestic servants (maids) and chauffeurs. Such cards are for entering into the Condominium and identification purpose, but do not permit the holders to use the recreational and communal facilities of the Condominium. They should be returned to The Management upon the termination of employees'services. Issue of such cards will be subject to a charge of $10.00 per card.
  8. Application must submit one (1) recent I/C size colour photograph and a copy of any legal document to prove their ownership/tenancy of the relevant premises.
  9. The Resident Card is not transferable.
  10. Only a valid Resident Card will entitle the resident to the use and booking of Condominium facilities. Owners who have leased out their apartments will not be entitled to use the facilities as their rights have been transferred to the tenants.
  11. Non-Resident and Temporary Cardholder will not be entitled to the use and booking of the facilities.


  1. The apartment shall be used only for residential purpose and not for business or any other purpose.
  2. A Resident shall be responsible for the conduct of his family members and guests at all times, ensuring that their behaviour is neither offensive to other occupants of the building nor cause damage to any portion of the private/common property.
  3. Ball games, skate boarding and any activity that would deface or cause damage to the walls or Common Areas are strictly prohibited.
  4. Owners/ residents must not, without the written consent from The Management, carry out any alterations or install any fittings or fixtures that deviate from the approved plans and specifications. Owners/residents will be responsible for and shall pay all fines or penalties imposed by any government department for any unauthorised additions and/or alteration found within their apartments.
  5. An Owner who is not residing in Singapore should at his own expense have an authorized agent or representative registered with The Management to conduct periodic inspection of his apartment and assume responsibility for the contents therein. Such owners shall file the names, addresses and telephone numbers of their agents with The Management prior to allowing them access to the property.
  6. The Owner or his appointed agent shall be responsible for the conduct of his tenant(s) or guest(s) and shall upon notice given by The Management. Immediately remove, at his own expense, any unauthorised structure/equipment/property placed in the Common Areas
  7. Once an apartment is leased out, the entitlement to the use of the Common Areas and all the other facilities is automatically transferred to the tenant, and the owner is no longer entitled to use these facilities.
  8. Residents are not allowed to use any employee of The Management for any business or private errands.
  9. Soliciting of goods and services, and the holding of religious or political activities shall not be tolerated in the premises.

Common Area

  1. The sidewalks, passages, lobbies stairways and corridors must not be obstructed ay any one time, or used for any purposes other than their designated usage.
  2. Person property of any kind shall not be placed on or stored in the Common Areas.
  3. All potted plants shall be place in containers so as to prevent the dripping of water or soil into other apartments or Common Areas. Residents are advised to take preventive measures to avoid breeding mosquitoes, i.e. getting rid of stagnant water.
  4. Care should be taken when cleaning areas adjoining the external walls so as to prevent water from running down the exterior of the building or into other apartments.
  5. Residents and their Visitors shall not damage the grass, footpaths, or any part of the subdivided building or property by the use of vehicles, machines, tools or objects of any description. The resident who is or whose servant, agent, licensee or invitee is responsible for such damage shall make good any such damage of the satisfaction of The Management.
  6. Any damage caused to the common property shall be assessed by The Management and all cost of repair and/or replacement of broken or damaged parts shall borne by the person(s) responsible.
  7. It is intended that the exterior facade of the building represent a uniform appearance. In view of this, residents shall not allow any projections to extend through any door, window openings or curved windows in the living room. No awnings shall be installed in any part of an apartment.
  8. All furniture and equipment placed or installed in the Common Area have been provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of all occupants, and therefore shall not be damaged or removed without the permission of The Management. Any damage or loss shall be made good by the resident concerned. He shall also be responsible for the acts of his servant, licensee or invitee who caused such damage or loss.
  9. Holding of customary or traditional rites (e.g funeral wakes) is not allowed within the Condominium compound


  1. Owners shall not carry out any work which may affect the external façade of the building without the prior written approval of The Management. Façade refers to windows, balcony, and compartments for air-con condensing units, Common Areas, open areas and all other visible parts of the building which constitute or form part of the external appearance of the building.
  2. Owners shall not install any television or radio antenna on the rooftop or at any external part of the subdivided building.
  3. Before carrying out any renovations, alterations or addition to an apartment, the Owner is required to apply for The Management consent and to place a $500.00 deposit. Such deposit will be refunded free of interest, to the owner when The Management is satisfied that the owner or his renovation contractor have not carried out any unauthorised work, damaged any Common Areas, left debris or caused any inconvenience at the building for which The Management would have to incur cost to rectify. Such rectification cost shall be borne by the Owner and the deposit shall be forfeited accordingly.
  4. Owners shall also be required to arrange with The Management for a joint inspection of the apartment at the commencement and on completion of the renovation.
  5. The endorsement of The Management does not constitute an approval of the Building Authorities. The Owner must bear full responsibility to ensure compliance with the building By-Laws and other regulations as may be introduced and applicable from time to time.
  6. Renovation works shall only be carried out on the following days and hours:
    Monday - Friday 9.00am - 6.00 pm
    Saturday 9.00am - 1.00 pm
    (No work shall be carried out on Sundays & Public Holidays)
    Owners and their contractors must inform The Management of their work schedule.
  7. All renovation contractors must report at the security check-point before they proceed to carry out work, failing which The Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any unknown person which cannot be verified there and then.
  8. All renovation workmen must report at the security check-point to obtain identification passes and must wear their passes at all times while in the Condominium. Security personnel have the right to question any person in the Condominium found without an identification pass.
  9. All renovation workmen should use only designated lifts and staircases so as not to cause inconvenience to Owners. Packing and crating materials must be removed and disposed of by the residents/contractors on the same day as they are brought in.
  10. All Owners are not allowed to tap water/electricity supply from the Common Areas for their special use.
  11. No storage space will be provided on site. All articles/materials must be store within the Owners apartment.
  12. The Owners shall be fully responsible for the dumping of debris by their contractors and/or by their personnel. Unwanted materials, debris etc., should not be left in the corridors, lift lobbies, fire escape staircases or any other Common Areas of the Condominium. Otherwise they will be removed and the cost charged to the owner concerned
  13. All renovation works should be confined to the boundaries of an apartment. Hacking of structural slabs, columns and beams are strictly prohibited. Demolition of non-load bearing wall by the Owner can only be allowed if Professional Engineer can confirm that such alteration will not affect the structural stability of the building.
  14. Owners must ensure that adequate measures are taken to protect the common property during the deliver or removal of materials by their contractors. A doormat must be provided by the contractor at the door entrance of the apartment to prevent worker in that unit from dirtying the Common Area. The common property affected during the delivery or removal or materials must be laid with protective covers and left in a clean and tidy condition on the completion of work each day.
  15. Owners shall be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of their appointed contractors. Any damages to the building and its equipment caused by the moving of furniture or other effects shall be replaced or repaired all the expense of the Owners concerned.
  16. Application for approval of renovation works and payment of the deposit should be made at The Management Office during office hours. Applications must be submitted in the prescribed form obtainable from The Management Office. All applications must be accompanied by copies of all relevant plans, designs and approvals obtained from the relevant authorities in lieu of the intended renovations.

Bulk Delivery and House Removal

  1. Bulk deliveries and house removal should be carried out during the following hours:
    Monday - Saturday : 9.00 an - 6.00 pm
    Sunday & Public Holiday : 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
    Residents and their contractors are reminded to inform The Management office of the shifting.
  2. All deliveries and removals must be reported at the security checkpoint prior to the work being carried out. Otherwise, The Management reserves the right to refuse entry of any unknown personnel for purposes, which cannot be verified.
  3. All contractors and their workmen must report at the security check-point to obtain identification passes and they must wear their passes at all times.
  4. Workmen carrying out deliveries/removals should use only designated lifts and staircases so as not to inconvenience residents. Packing and crating materials must be disposed of and removed from the condominium by the residents on the same day that they are brought in.
  5. Residents are not allowed to tap water/electricity supply from the Common Areas for their personal use.
  6. Unwanted materials, debris, etc., should not be left in the corridors, lift lobbies, fire escape staircase or any other common areas in the building. Otherwise, they will be removed and the cost will be charged to the resident concerned.
  7. Residents must ensure that adequate measures are taken to protect the common property during any bulk deliveries or house removal work.
  8. Resident shall be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of their appointed contractors. Any damages to the building and equipment caused by the moving of furniture or other effects shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the residents concerned.

Car Parking

  1. Residents must apply for car transponder from The Management. A car transponder shall only be issued to an owner/tenant who is residing at the condominium.
  2. Each apartment is entitled to only one (1) car transponder for one (1) vehicle.
  3. A car transponder is not transferable for use to another vehicle.
  4. Loss of car transponder must be reported to The Management Office as soon as possible. Replacement cost for each car transponder is $50.00.
  5. Upon selling or termination of lease, the Owner/Tenant is responsible to handover their car transponder to the subsequent owner.
  6. The car transponder should be displayed prominently on the front windscreen of the vehicle for easy identification by security personnel.
  7. The car parking facility in the Condominium shall be for class 3 license parking only.
  8. Parking areas are no to be used for recreation, storage or repair works by Residents or their visitors.
  9. Visitor's vehicles are permitted to be parked on the designated visitors' car park only or as directed by the security personnel.
  10. No reservation of any parking lot is allowed except for those labeled "Handicapped" where applicable.
  11. Handicapped parking lots are strictly to be used by the said catergory of drivers.
  12. All vehicles parked in the condominium will be at the owner's risk. The Management shall not be held liable for any theft, damage or other misdemeanour caused to the vehicles and/or their contents.

Useful Service Numbers

Singapore Telecom
Local Directory Enquiry
International Calls Service
Telephone Enquiries or Application for Residential
Telephone Enquiries or Application for Business
Pager Service
Mobile Phone Service
Telephone Fault Reporting
Breakdown of Services
Water Supply
Electricity Supply
Non-Emergency Number
1800 284 6600
1800 77806666

Recreational Facilities

General Rules & Regulations Governing the Use of Recreational Facilities

  1. Ball games are not allowed to be played within the compounds of the Condominium except at areas designated for such games.
  2. The recreational facilities are for the exclusive use of Residents and their guests, Non-Resident Owners are deemed to have assigned their rights to their tenants to use the recreational facilities.
  3. Only Residents with valid Resident Cards may use/book the recreational facilities.
  4. Guests of Residents must sign in at the Reception Counter located at the Clubhouse and shall be accompanied by the Resident when using the specific facility.
  5. Residents are required to produce their Resident Cards at the Reception Counter while making reservations as well as before claiming the keys to the recreational facilities. Failure to do so may result in the refusal of use of the facilities.
  6. Children under the age of twelve (12) should not use any of the recreational facilities unless accompanied by their parents or supervisory adults who shall be responsible for their safety and proper behaviour. Maids and employees of the Residents likewise are no permitted to use the recreational facilities unless accompanied by the Residents who shall be responsible for their proper behaviour.
  7. Residents are responsible for the behaviour of their guests and their compliance to the rules
  8. Residents shall be responsible for any damage caused by themselves or their guests to the recreational facilities. Residents must inform the security or Management staff of any existing damage to the facility or equipment that they or their guests are about to use, failing which they may be held responsible for such damage.
  9. Residents/guests must be properly attired when using the facilities.
  10. The Management, security personnel or any appointed representatives of the Managing Agent may require any person in the recreational areas to identify himself for security reasons.
  11. With the exception of those games and activities for which the facilities were especially intended for, no other games or activities (such as football, roller-skating, skate boarding and horseplay of any sort) will be allowed in or around the recreational facilities.
  12. The Management reserves the right to change any rules and regulations. Residents shall be notified at least one (1) week in advance before such changes take effect.
  13. Residents and their guests must abide by all the rules when they utilize the recreational facilities.
  14. The Management will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property, injury or death arising from the use of the recreational facilities.

Multi-Purpose Hall

  1. Opening Time:
    Monday - Sundays: 7.00am - 11.00 pm
    The Management reserves the right to a first-priority use of the multi-purpose hall.
  2. The resident will be held responsible for the cleanliness of the facility.
  3. The facility is not permitted to be used for commercial, religious and political purposes, Company gatherings or other illegal activities are strictly prohibited as well.
  4. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Gymnasium/ Aerobics Room

  1. Opening Time:
    Mondays - Sundays: 6.00am - 11.00 pm
  2. The gymnasium/aerobics room is strictly reserved for the exclusive use of Residents only. Residents are not permitted to bring guests to workout in the gymnasium/ aerobics room
  3. Residents should read the instructions provided first before using the equipment. Due care must be exercised when using the equipment to avoid accidents and damage.
  4. Residents are to sign in at the Reception Counter before entering the gymnasium/aerobic room.
  5. Proper exercise attire must be worn at all times. Appropriate shoes (non-marking) must be worn to avoid damage to the gymnasium/ aerobics room, Bathing suits and sandals are strictly prohibited.
  6. Eating and smoking are strictly prohibited. Pets are also not allowed in the premises.
  7. Children under the age of twelve (12) are not permitted in the gymnasium/aerobics room. Children from twelve (12) to sixteen (16) must be accompanied and supervised by adults.
  8. Residents concerned will be responsible for any loss or damages caused by themselves.
  9. Users are requested to place the weights back in their proper place after use.
  10. Equipment shall not be shifted or removed from their positions or from the gymnasium by the users.
  11. Residents will be responsible for any loss or damage done to the equipment and furniture, by their children or themselves.
  12. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their children, however caused when using the facility.

Karaoke Room

  1. Opening Time:
    Mondays - Sundays:
    12.00 noon - 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm - 11.00 pm
  2. Bookings:
    • Only resident with valid Resident Cards are permitted to book the Room.
    • Application for booking of the facility must be made in person and will be on a first come, first served basis. A non-refundable charge of $10.00 per session shall be payable for a confirmed booking.
    • Cancellation of bookings shall be made at least three (3) days before the date booked. No refund of charges will be made for cancellations. Residents who made proper cancellation may be permitted to book another date without additional payment.
    • To discourage frivolous bookings, residents who fail to turn up for two bookings and without making proper cancellation will be barred from booking the facilities for the next two (2) months.
    • Each apartment is entitled to book one (1) session per month.
    • Inspection of the facility shall be carried out by The Management to determine whether there has been any damage caused to the common property. All additional costs incurred in cleaning the area and rectifying any damage shall be borne by the Resident concerned.
  3. The Residents who made the reservation will be held responsible for the cleanliness of the facility. All waste or other refuse must be disposed of into the litter bins.
  4. The facility is not permitted to be used for commercial, religious, political, company gathering or other illegal activities.
  5. Cooking of food in the premises is strictly prohibited.
  6. The Management will not be responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Games Room

  1. Opening Time:
    Mondays - Sundays: 8.00 am - 11.00 pm
  2. Only Residents with valid Resident Card are permitted to use the room.
  3. Each Resident is permitted to bring in not more than eight (8) guests at any one time.
  4. Booking of the Lounge for exclusive use is not permitted.
  5. Proper attire must be worn at all times.
  6. Residents concerned will be responsible for any loss or damages caused to the equipment and furniture, by their guests or themselves.
  7. Smoking, eating, gambling, or other activities are not permitted in the room. Pets are also not allowed in the premises.
  8. The Management will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property, injury or death arising from the use of the facility.


  1. Opening Time:
    Mondays - Sundays: 7.00 am - 11.00 pm
  2. Strictly only Residents with valid Resident cards and their guests are permitted to use the sauna.
  3. Signing in must be made in person at the reception counter and will be accepted on first come, first served basis.
  4. Each session shall be made on an hourly basis.
  5. Each apartment is entitled to utilize the sauna for 1 hour session per week. Additional use will be subjected to availability.
  6. Children below the age of sixteen (16) are not allowed to use the sauna.
  7. Smoking is strictly prohibited
  8. Drying of clothes in the sauna is prohibited.
  9. Residents and their guests are to sign in at the Reception Counter first before using the sauna.
  10. Elderly Residents should consult a medical practitioner before using the sauna.
  11. The Management will not be responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Important Note
Users are advised to consult a physician before using the sauna. Person with the following conditions are not recommended to use the sauna:

  1. When under the influence of alcohol, tranquillisers, stimulants or other kind of prescribed drugs.
  2. Those with hypertension or heart aliments.
  3. Those with high blood pressure.
  4. Those with infectious diseases or abrasions.
  5. Females who are pregnant.

Swimming Pool/ Children Pool / Jacuzzi

  1. Swimming Hours:
    Mondays - Sundays: 7.00 am - 11.00 pm
    (except when it is being cleaned or serviced)
  2. Strictly NO diving is permitted
  3. Only Residents and their guests are permitted to use the pools. Guests must be accompanied by the Residents.
  4. Children under the age of tweleve (12) or under 1.2 metres of height must be accompanied and supervised by their parent or an adult when using the pool. Maids must be accompanied by Residents when using the pool.
  5. Persons suffering from any infectious disease or with bandage or open wounds of any type are not permitted to use the pool.
  6. Portable radios and cassette players are permitted at the pool areas provided there are no complaints from other users and Residents; The Management reserves the right to request the removal of any of these equipment should it prove to be a disturbance.
  7. Footwear, food, drinks and pets are not permitted in the pool.
  8. All users must be appropriately attired when swimming for hygiene and modesty reasons.
  9. All users must take a shower before they enter the pool.
  10. All users are strongly advised to leave the pool immediately during a thunderstorm or heavy lightning.
  11. Only swimming coaches authorized by The Management are permitted to use the pools for coaching lessons.
  12. The life buoys are strictly for emergency use only and MUST NOT be removed from the racks except for saving lives.
  13. Ball sports, Frisbee playing, roller-skating,bicycle riding,skate-boarding,horse playing or any other activities which are likely to cause disturbance to other users will not be permitted in the pool area.
  14. The Management reserves the right to close the pool for maintenance and repair purposes of for other reasons as it may deem fit.
  15. All users are not allowed in the pools when cleaning is in progress.
  16. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the pool.
  17. Children under the age of sixteen (16) and below 1.2 metres of height are not permitted to use the pool.
  18. All users are advised not to tamper with or sit on the grating cover of the suction outlet in the pool.

Important Note
Users are advised to consult a physician before using the Jacuzzi pools. Person with the following conditions are not recommended to use the pool.

  1. When under the influence of alcohol, tranquillisers, stimulants or other kind of prescribed drugs.
  2. Those with hypertension or heart aliments.
  3. Those with high blood pressure.
  4. Those with infectious diseases or abrasions.
  5. Females who are pregnant.

Barbecue Pits

  1. Sessions:
    Mondays - Sundays: 12.00 noon - 5.00 pm (1st session)
    6.00 pm - 11.00 pm (2nd session)
  2. Booking:
    • Strictly only Residents with valid Resident Cards are permitted to make bookings.
    • Booking may be made on a prescribed form obtainable at The Management Office. Booking of the facility for a specific day may be made one month in advance. Allocations will be made on a firs come, first served basis. A non-refundable charge of $10.00 shall be payable or a confirmed booking.
    • Booking in person starts from 9.00am to 5.30pm on weekdays and from 9.00am to 12.30pm on Saturdays. Telephone booking starts from 10.30am to 5.30pm on weekdays and from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.
    • Telephone booking shall be followed up with a fax application within the same day and is subject to availability of time slot at the time of calling. No reference shall be made to applicant who fails to follow up with the fax application within the same day.
    • For telephone booking, payment by cheque shall be made by 10.00am on the next working day. Cheque can be depositied into The Management Office letter box. No cash shall be deposited. Telephone booking will be automatically cancelled without reference to the applicant if payment is not received by the stipulated time. The time slot will be released for other Residents' booking.
    • Telephone booking is considered successful only when the application form is signed and accepted by The Management on the same day and the payment is received by 10.00am the next day.
    • To discourage frivolous bookings, residents who fail to turn up for two bookings and have not made proper cancellation will be barred from booking the facility for the next two (2) months.
    • Cancellation of bookings shall be made at least one (1) week before the date booked. The charge of $10.00 will not be refunded upon cancellation. Residents who made proper cancellation may be permitted to reschedule the cancelled booking without making additional payment.
    • Each apartment is entitled to book one session (1 Pit only) per month.
    • Inspection of the facility shall be carried out by The Management to determine whether there has been any damage caused to the common property. All additional costs incurred in rectifying any damage shall be borne by the resident concerned.
  3. The number of guests is limited to thirty (30) only.
  4. Residents are advised to submit guest list (names and vehicle numbers) to The Management in advance to facilitate security control and guests easy access into the condominium.
  5. Setting up of tents or camping overnight is not permitted and will strictly enforced.
  6. Highly flammable equipment is not permitted at the barbecue are.
  7. Live band is not permitted. Portable radios and cassette players are permitted at the barbecue area provide there are no complaints from other users and residents. The Management reserves the right to request the removal of any of these equipment should it prove to be a disturbance.
  8. The resident host shall ensure that there should not be excessive noise or nuisance caused to other residents.
  9. Resident and their guests must ensure that the barbecue pits and its surrounding are left in a clean and tidy condition after use.
  10. All leftover food, litter, etc should be disposed into the provided trash bins. Washing of barbecue utensils, equipment, cutlery or crockery is not allowed on the pool deck.
  11. Permission must be obtained from The Management prior to hiring of additional tables and chair to be used at the barbecue/pool deck area.
  12. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by Residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Chip and Putt

  1. Playing Time:
    Mondays - Sundays: 7.00am - 11.00 pm
  2. Strictly only Residents with valid Resident cards and their guests are permitted to use the course.
  3. Signing in must be made in person at the reception counter and will be accepted on first come, first served basis
  4. Each session shall be made on an hourly basis.
  5. Each apartment is entitled to utilise the course for 1 hour session per week. Additional use will be subjected to availability.
  6. The course can only be used for putting of golf balls. Any other game is strictly prohibited on the course.
  7. Flagposts must not be removed from the course.
  8. Balls shall not be shot beyond the green. Residents shall ensure that no one, especially children, is around them when they are swinging their clubs.
  9. Food and pets are not allowed in the green.
  10. All litter must be disposed of in receptacle provided.
  11. Children under 12 years of age are not permitted in the green unless accompanied by parents or supervising adults who shall be responsible for their safety and proper behaviour.
  12. Residents will be held responsible for any damages caused by their guests or themselves. Any damages caused by the previous players must be reported to the Reception Counter immediately before the commencement of use.
  13. Players must vacate the area when their session of play ends.
  14. Only coaches accredited/sanctioned by The Management are permitted to conduct lessons in this facility.
  15. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Lawn Bowling

  1. Playing Time:
    Mondays - Sundays: 7.00 am - 11.00 pm
  2. Strictly only residents with valid Residents cards and their guests are permitted to use the course.
  3. Signing in must be made in person at the reception counter and will be accepted on first come, first served basis.
  4. Each session shall be made on an hourly basis.
  5. Each apartment is entitled to utilize the course for 1 hour session per week. Additional use will be subjected to availability.
  6. The course can only be used for bowls. Any other game is strictly prohibited on the course.
  7. Balls shall not be shot beyond the green.
  8. Food and pets are not allowed in the green.
  9. All litter must be disposed of in receptacle provided.
  10. Children under 12 years of age are not permitted in the green unless accompanied by parents or supervising adults who shall be responsible for their safety and proper behaviour.
  11. Residents will be held responsible for any damages caused by their guests or themselves. Any damages caused by the previous players must be reported to the Reception Counter immediately before the commencement of use.
  12. Players must vacate the area when their session of play ends.
  13. Only coaches accredited/sanctioned by The Management are permitted to conduct lessons in this facility.
  14. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Tennis Court

  1. Playing Time:
    Mondays - Sundays/Public Holidays 7.00am - 11.00pm
  2. Peak Hours:
    Mondays - Fridays 6.00pm - 11.00pm
    Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: 7.00am - 11.00pm
  3. Bookings:

    a. Strictly only residents with valid Resident Cards are permitted to book the courts.
    b. Booking must be made in person and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
    c. All booking are not transferable.
    d. For advanced bookings, each apartment is entitled to a maximum of one-hour session per week (1 court only) during peak hours and two one-hour session per week (1 court per session) during off-peak hours.
    e. After a Resident's entitlement has been used up for the week, current booking of one-hour sessions are permitted subject to availability within an hour before playing time.
    f. Advanced booking are permitted for up to a week inclusive of the day of booking.
    g. Residents who are unable to turn up for their session of play must inform the Reception counter not less than one hour before the play time.
    h. In the case of no turn-ups, the booked hours will automatically be forfeited after a ten minute grace period. The court may then be allocated to another resident on a first come, first served basis.
    i. Resident who fail to turn up for two bookings and without making proper cancellation will barred from making any further booking for a period of two (2) months commencing from the last booking.
    j. In the event of rain, item (h) & (i) will not apply to tennis bookings.

  4. Smoking, eating. Gambling and other activities not related to tennis, are not permitted in the court.
  5. All Players must be properly attired for the game. Shoes and balls used must be of the non-marking type.
  6. Residents will not be permitted into any court without signing in first at the reception counter.
  7. Residents must produce their Resident Cards for identification before The Management personnel switch on the lights for the courts.
  8. At least one Resident from the apartment who booked the court must be present when their guests are playing.
  9. Residents will be responsible for any damages caused by themselves or their guests. Any damages caused by the previous players must be reported to the Reception immediately, before the commencement of the game.
  10. Players must vacate the courts when their session of play ends.
  11. Only coaches authorized by The Management are permitted to conduct coaching lessons on the court.
  12. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuiries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by Residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Children's Play Area

  1. The Children's play area is for the exclusive use of children under 12 years of age.
  2. Children must be accompanied by the parents or supervising adults who shall be responsible for their safety and proper behaviour.
  3. No livestock, poultry, dogs, cats or other household pets shall be allowed in the children's playground,
  4. Residents will be responsible for any damages caused by themselves or their guests. Any damages caused by the previous players must be reported to the Reception immediately before the commencement of the game.
  5. The Management will not be held responsible for any injuries, damages or loss of life, limb or property sustained by Residents and their guests, however caused when using the facility.

Prescribed by-Laws


A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not create any noise on a lot or the common property likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of another lot or of any person lawfully using the common property.


(1) A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not:
(a) Park or leave; or
(b) Permit any invitees of the Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier to park or leave,
Any motor vehicle or other vehicle on the common property except with the prior written approval of the Management Corporation.

(2) The Management Corporation shall not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or leaving of a motor vehicle or vehicle on the common property.

Obstruction of Common Property

(1) A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not obstruct the lawful use of the common property by any person, except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.
(2) If the Management Corporation has specified, by resolution, the manner in which furniture or large objects are to be transported through or on common property, a Subsidiary Proprietor shall not transport any furniture or large object through or on common property except in accordance with that resolution.

Damage to lawns, etc., on common property

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not, except with the prior written approval of the Managemen Corporation or as permitted by an exclusive use By-Law made under section 33 of the Act for his benefit:
(a) Damage any lawn, garden, tree, shrub, plant or flower being part of, or situated on, the common property; or
(b) Use for his own purposes as a garden any portion of the common property.

Alteration or damage to common property

  1. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the prior written approval of the Management Corporation.
  2. An approval given by the Management Corporation under paragraph (1) shall not authorize any additions to the common property.
  3. This By-Law shall not prevent a Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot, or a person authorized by such Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier from installing:
    (a) Any locking or other safety device for protection of the Subsidiary Proprietor's or occupier's lot against intruders or to improve safety within that lot;
    (b) Any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot;
    (c) Any structure or device to prevent harm to children; or
    (d) Any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the Subsidiary Proprietor's or occupier's lot.
  4. Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, in keeping with such guidelines as the Management Corporation may prescribe regarding such installations, and with the appearance of the rest of the building.
  5. The Subsidiary Proprietor and occupier of a lot shall :
    (a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation or structure referred to in paragraph (3) notwithstanding that it forms part of the common property and services the lot; and
    (b) Repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure referred to in paragraph (3) notwithstanding that it forms part of the common property and services the lot.

Behaviour of Subsidiary Proprietors and occupiers

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot, when on a lot or the common property, shall be adequately clothed and shall not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the subsidiary proprietor or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using the common property.

Children playing on common property

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any child, of whom he has control when playing upon the common property, shall not :
(a) Cause any damage to the common property; or
(b) Create any noise likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the subsidiary proprietor or occupier of another lot.

Behaviour of invitees

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that his invitees (including customers and staff) do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of another lot or of any person lawfully using the common property.

Depositing rubbish, etc., on common property

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the Management Corporation.

Drying of laundry

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not, except with the prior written approval of the Management Corporation, hang any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article on any part of the parcel in such a way as to be visible from outside the subdivided building, other than at areas designated for the purpose and there only for a reasonable period.

Cleaning windows

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lot which are not common property, unless:
(a) The Management Corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of the glass clean; or
(b) That glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of the lot safely or at all.

Storage of flammable materials

  1. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not, except with the prior written approval of the Management Corporation, use or store upon his lot or upon the common property any flammable chemical, liquid, gas or other flammable material.
  2. This By-Law shall not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.
  3. Nothing in this By-Law authorizes any Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of a lot to use or store upon his lot or upon the common property any flammable chemical, liquid, gas or other flammable material in a manner that would contravene any relevant written law applicable to the use or storage of such substances or materials.

Refuse disposal

  1. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot within a Strata Title Plan that has chutes or shared receptacles for the disposal of refuse or for recyclable material or waste shall:
    (a) Ensure that before any refuse, recyclable material or waste is thrown into the chute or receptacle it is :
    (i) In the case of refuse, securely wrapped in plastic bags or other similar materials; or
    (ii) in the case of recyclable material or waste intended for recycling, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines; and (b) Not dispose of any large object into the chutes which may obstruct the free fall of refuse in the chutes.
  2. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot within a Strata Title Plan that does not have any chute or shared receptacle for the disposal of refuse or for recyclable material or waste :
    (a) shall maintain such receptacles within his lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorized by the Management Corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered;
    (b) shall ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacle it is securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained or, in the case of recyclable material or waste intended for recycling, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines;
    (c) for the purpose of having the refuse collected, shall place the receptacle within an area designated for that purpose by the Management Corporation and at a time not more than one hour before the time at which refuse, recyclable material or waste is normally collected;
    (d) When the refuse has been collected, shall promptly return the receptacle to his lot or other area referred to in sub-paragraph (a);
    (e) Shall not place anything in the receptacle of the Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier; and
    (f) Shall promptly remove anything which he or the refuse or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacle and shall take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was so spilled.
  3. Nothing in this By-Law requires any Subsidiary Proprietor or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant written law applicable to the disposal of such waste.

Keeping of animals

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an Occupier of a lot shall not keep any animal upon his lot or the common property which may cause annoyance to the Subsidiary Proprietors or Occupiers of other lots.

Duty to maintain lot

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an Occupier of a lot shall maintain his lot including all sanitary fittings, water, gas, electrical and air-conditioning pipes and apparatus thereof in a good condition so as not to cause annoyance to the Subsidiary Proprietors or Occupiers of other lots.

Lot not to be used for purpose injurious to building reputation

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an Occupier of a lot shall not use his lot for any purpose (illegal or otherwise) which may be injurious to the reputation of the subdivided building.

Change in use of lot to be notified

A Subsidiary Proprietor or an Occupier of a lot shall, without delay, notify the Management Corporation if the Subsidiary Proprietor or Occupier changes the existing use of the lot.

Prevention of fire and other hazards

  1. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an Occupier of a lot shall not do anything or permit any of his invitees to do anything on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.
  2. A Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall also not do anything or permit any of his invitees to do anything on the lot or common property that is likely to create a hazard or danger to the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using the common property.
  3. Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (2), a Subsidiary Proprietor or an occupier of a lot shall not place, put up or display any article or object on or by any window or on any balcony of, or outside, the lot in a manner which is likely to cause any damage to property or injury to life to any person lawfully using the common property.

Control on hours of operation and use of facilities

  1. The Management Corporation may, by special resolution, make any of the following determinations if it considers the determination appropriate for the control, management, administration, use or enjoyment of the common property, comprised in its strata title plan:
    (a) That commercial or business activities may be conducted on the common property only during certain times;
    (b) That facilities situated on the common property may be used only during certain times or on certain conditions.
  2. Every Subsidiary Proprietor and Occupier of a lot shall comply with a determination referred to in paragraph (1).

Provision of amenities or services

  1. The Management Corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of all or any of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the subsidiary proprietors or occupiers of one or more of the lots comprised in its strata title plan:
    (a) Security services;
    (b) Garbage disposal and recycling services;
    (c) Cleaning or domestic services;
    (d) Promotional services or advertising.
  2. If The Management Corporation makes a resolution referred to in paragraph (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the Subsidiary Proprietor or Occupier of a lot, The Management Corporation must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.